Realize that everything connects to everything else. Leonardo da Vinci

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Our mission

Nowadays, the internet based virtual life is getting bigger emphasis, connects strongly to the real physical life in many ways. These two worlds can not be separated, in all, social, economical and other areas of our modern life.

Information and communication technology has transformed how we live and work to the point where the virtual online world and the services it offers has permeated all aspects of the 'real' world. Our aim at QARD™ is to safely link these real and virtual worlds by developing products and solutions that are built on a user-friendly bridging technology, using the most innovative cloud-based technology, to serve our customers' needs effectively and safely.

About QARD™

QARD™ is an innovative, state of the art solution, that focuses on the modern end-user and the business needs of the service provider. Through its use of cutting-edge technology, QARD™ enhances the overall costumer experience while providing a sense of security. We kept all the pros of the classic card systems adding the achievements of the new technologies.



Innovative - one of a kind. Easy to use, safe technology for the best costumer experience.

Extra value

Extra value

Complex and relevant. Unique functionality. Personalized real-time location based information.



Software and hardware independent platform. Cloud based solution and service. Cost-effective system installation.



Real-time analytics and research. Unlimited, flexible card issuance. Modular system architecture.